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4 Reasons Why Moving in the Fall is a Great Idea

by Nov 20, 2019

Planning a big move soon? Looking for a change of scenery? Then there’s no better time than autumn. Fall is one of the best times of the year to try and find somewhere to live, especially if you’re looking to sell your home. Since Mobile Attic is constantly committed to helping your moving needs, we’ve put together a small list reasons of why moving in the fall is one of the best times to do so.

1 – Save on Rates

Around this time of year, movers are known to reduce and cut their rates since it’s not as busy during spring and summer. That means you save, which is already a big deal since the moving process is already expensive enough. Price will vary based on what you choose to move, how much, and when, but you can normally find lower rates.

2 – Plenty of Options

Around the year’s near end, most have already moved when referring to apartments and student housing. Once that initial moving rush is over, you have a lot more options when it comes to housing, depending on what you’re looking for. 

That’s good, because it lets you pick at your leisure and not feel as much pressure when seeking a new, ideal homestead.

3 – Better Weather

Yes, it sounds strange, but even as things cool down and you experience rainier days, the weather is vastly more forgiving this time of year.

Think of it this way: in spring you have nice temperatures but lots of pollen, summer can bring intense heat and harsh, humid days, and winter is often icy cold and snowy. But Fall sits in a nice sweet spot where it’s none of these – not too hot, cold, or pollinated. Therefore, when you make your move you don’t have to worry about transitioning on high temperature days or driving on treacherous icy roads.

4 – Use Mobile Pods

Mobile pods grant you even more flexibility since their rates are consistent and they’re always available. If you’re a business, you can rely on pods dropped off at your location, or, the same goes for a residence. Regardless, having your goods transported in stainless steel containers is a good way to transport things at an inexpensive price without the hassle of moving it all yourself.

Moving is already a big undertaking, so you need as many breaks as you can get. However, if you’re thinking of it now, try a move during the autumn. For the reasons we’ve listed thus far, it’s one of the best times of year to do so.

If you’d like more moving tips or want to know how mobile pods can help you, visit us at Mobile Attic for more information.