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8 Essential Things to Do After Your Move

by Aug 21, 2018

No matter how you did it or how long it took, congrats! The move is done and you couldn’t be happier. It’s a hurdle to overcome and now everything is looking up, right?

Sort of. While moving is its own herculean task, it’s too soon to celebrate even when it’s over. That’s because there’s a checklist of things to go through after the fact. In home and around the area, you’ve got to get situated in several ways. To give you an idea, here’s a few things to do after the move is done:

1 – Check Inventory

Though it’s a broad stroke, it’s a good idea to start looking over things to make sure nothing was forgotten or is missing. This could take a while, depending on how much you brought. But, you don’t want to be several months past the move and realize you left your favorite family heirloom behind.

2 – Check for Damage

Whether you stored furniture in a mobile pod or took it yourself, damage can happen even in the most cautious hands. Give your furniture and other sensitive stuff a look over to see if scuffs (or worse) occurred.

3 – Utilities

You’re in, but is everything on? Electricity, AC/Heat, Water, and all essential utilities should be working. If not, that’s a priority to take care of.

4 – Check for Leftovers

Some complexes take care of everything before you arrive. Others might not, or miss something. Home sellers might just leave property behind entirely. Whatever the case, give your new home a quick walk through to see if anything was left by the previous owner. It’s not always common, but it happens.

5 – Get Those Essentials

Unpacking can take forever, depending on how much there is. So, for now you want to handle essentials. This includes clothing, food, appliances, and other itinerary you need. Organize it for the next several days while you put aside time for future unpacking.

6 – Forward Your Address

This one is easy to glance over, but when you have the time, get a mail forwarding request processes. USPS does them for $1 and it’ll make sure you get all your mail pushed to the new address. Better yet, you can get automatically registered to vote depending on the area!

Of course, you still need to change your address with online accounts, like bank accounts. But this assures you get mail while that’s in the works.

7 – Know the Area

Find doctors, dentists, schools, stores, and everything else after the move. You’ll want to know how far things are when you need to shop for groceries or get a medical appointment.

8 – Relax

Whew! That’s a lot to take care of. But, it’s something we all experience after a move. And while it’s stressful and hectic, doing it in an organized, planned manner can make it easier.

So give yourself a beer and a high five! Once you get through the checklist, you can safely call your new place home.