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Are you ready for another round of COVID-19?

by Sep 15, 2020

Now’s the time to check if you’re prepared for a possible spike in COVID-19 cases this Fall/Winter. Mobile Attic wants you to be safe, so we’ll help by giving you a checklist of things to consider. 

Do you have enough non-perishable food items?

One of the initial responses to COVID-19 was a quarantine which varied in severity based on state. Regardless, having access to non-perishable food items is important (meaning these items don’t expire or have an extended shelf-life).

If not, check over current supplies and organize meals for yourself and family. How long will it last? Mobile Attic recommends at least a month.

Do you have enough personal items?

Remember that whole fiasco when we started running out of toilet paper? Fun times. But like a domino effect, people spiraled into a panic and quite abruptly, stores were dealing with severe shortages. With a return of cases, events like this can happen again.

However, it’s a good reminder to make sure you have enough personal items in general, hygiene or otherwise. Take account of things you use frequently and may need more of.

Do you have enough masks/medical supplies?

It is absolutely essential to have masks and gloves on hand, to protect yourself and others. Masks come in all types, from washable cloth ones to one-time disposable uses. Some masks also need filters. Regardless, you should have these in stock for yourself and others you care about. 

Are there enough personal entertainment items?

It may sound strange, but quarantine and stay-at-home orders can make a return. If they do, you’ll need to keep yourself preoccupied. Anything that can keep your mind busy is useful, even outside internet usage.

For some it’s easier to manage, but, cabin fever can be a real thing if there’s not much to do. So take your own habits into account. Think of new hobbies to learn if indoors, too!

Can you cover long term expenses?

Unfortunately, unemployment has jumped and many are budgeting hard. You should take as many precautions as possible with finances and spend only on essentials. Try to organize a budget for at least three months, including all necessities. Even with government assistance, many are still experiencing hardship.

Additionally, tax returns and other financial aid may be delayed due to the pandemic. Therefore, you want to prepare in every way you can in case of financial strain, which is a likely scenario.

If you’re having trouble with space or need to keep things off-site from your business/home, you can invest in a mobile storage pod. For additional information, contact Mobile Attic today.