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Boxing Techniques for the Future Mover

by Nov 30, 2016

It can seem like moving is just one headache after another. Even more so when you think about boxing. The same, tedious motion starts to get to you after the first room, burning the corrugation pattern into your brain for the next few months. The technique behind packing the box and organizing the collection of boxes is in no way advanced, but there may be a few things here that you can take away. Just chill back for a few moments, tend to that cranial pain, and follow some of these tips to make the boxing process a little less obnoxious.


  • Box everything up, room by room, several days to weeks before the actual move. The spaced-out sessions will help with your concentration in the long term, but will also help with organization on your mobile storage unit!
  • Put everything you will need on the first night inside a clear, plastic container. It is easy to identify and, as a bonus, you can see inside. No more checking and rummaging a billion times to see if you grabbed the hairbrush.
  • When placing dishes inside the box, place them in vertically. This will reduce the chance that they will break. Make sure to place plenty of paper or packing material into the box to cut down on movement.
  • If you intend to store large paintings or photos, put a giant “x” over the front in tape. Now, if the glass were to break, the tape will hold it together and you won’t have to fish glass out of a dark box. Just don’t use duct tape…
  • Place the heavier items inside the box first, then place other objects. Good rule of thumb is to keep each box at or under 30 lbs. to reduce muscle strain later. It also helps to have a standard weight when it comes to your movers, who may be of all sizes.
  • Try your best to fill up the negative space inside the box with crumbled paper. The less room objects have to move around, the less likely they are to break. To save some trees, try wrapping objects with old t-shirts that you won’t be needing immediately after move-in.

Keep these tips in mind and, with the Mobile Attic, you could drastically reduce the stress around your upcoming move!