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Get your green thumb ready

by Jun 6, 2023

Only a few years ago we were sitting in the midst of a pandemic, keeping us indoors and restricting what we could do or see. Things have relaxed since then, and it’s time to celebrate with a good old-fashioned spring garden. Gardens are not only a great activity for the season, but they also yield tasty benefits. Or, you can host a family of flowers or spices. Regardless, your decision will bring color to your home and is an environmental benefit too (bees love flowers after all).

The best part is, you don’t have to do it alone. Mobile storage pods are the perfect addition to building an incredible Spring 2023 garden. We’ll tell you how, and more, with our brief guide for gardening ideas.

Preparing for your spring garden

Like all good things, everything starts with prep work. If it’s your first time gardening or diving into a large-scale gardening project, preparation is key. Before anything, go over some details and make a checklist for yourself.

  • What kind of planting will you do (vegetables, spices, flowers, a mixture)
  • Where do you plan to keep your garden (indoor, outdoor, front lawn, backyard)
  • Do you have adequate space
  • Will you need storage space for equipment like gardening tools

Are you using soil from your environment or utilizing planting/potting soil

When you know your answers, you get a clearer picture of the garden, budget needs, and how you’ll bring it all to life.

Planning the Garden

Now we move to execute the plan. A garden can be simple or complex, depending on your needs. You can incorporate anything to help this process like storage pods or gardening equipment.

Understand what you’re planting

The real challenge of any healthy garden is the planting itself. To get the best yield, you need to understand ideal planting times, soil preference, depth for seed(s), and how much space a plant will need to grow. Some flowers and vegetables are hardier than others. Other plants, such as crawling vine plants like tomatoes, require cages and specific light requirements during their sprouting periods to grow into full, healthy yields.

For first-timers, simplicity is best. Mixed flower seeds, for example, do well in standard potting soil, medium light, and at least one daily watering. Other flowers or plants, however, will need specific conditions to grow into a healthy state.

Know your layout

If you want to move beyond standard pots, then you need to organize a gardening layout. Planter’s boxes or gardening boxes – which hold the planting soil – should be built in an area exposed to full sunlight, separated into straight rows and sections for each specimen type. Common types are square, bedframe/raised bed (if you have limited space), and lanes.

You can plant them in your yard, but avoid planting them near established trees, shrubs, and other plants with complex root systems. They can steal moisture from your garden and mitigate growth. Secondly, outdoor gardens with vegetable yields need protection from pests and wildlife.

Don’t mix and match

While some plants work great together (defensive plants we’ll touch on later), vegetables in particular have different nourishment requirements. Corn, for instance, is a massive nutrient drain and needs its own potting square to flourish. It comes down to knowing your plant, and you’ll want to briefly research the vegetable, spice, or flower to understand its light and watering requirements. They’ll also have seasonal times too, along with estimated blooming times which you must prepare for. If you want a yield of vegetables, for instance, you need pollinators during blooming periods.

We recommend simple planting for this step, as all plants have different soil impacts, especially if you’re a first-timer. You’re free to add as many complex varieties as desired, so long as you meet their light, watering, and planting needs.

Protecting your garden

If you have your layout configured and plants in mind, then it’s really a matter of time and diligence. Mind weather conditions and water each plant as needed. The bigger challenge is protecting your garden from pests and damage.

Easier said than done. Animals are eager to take advantage of an easy meal, and insects/pests are much the same. From mites to worms, there’s a world of pests hunting unprotected plants. Another complication is pests can transmit diseases. When not treated, the disease can spread quickly and impact an entire garden.

As for animals, you can invest in protective gates or simple greenhouses. Otherwise, you’ll want to mix in protective species of plants and varieties which invite protectors, such as bees. There is no perfect solution as all environments are different, but with enough time and experimentation, you can reduce or eliminate the impact pests will have on the garden.

Portable storage units for your garden

Taking advantage of every resource at your disposal can make a huge difference. Mobile storage pods, for instance, can make each step of the gardening process easier by offering additional space. For example, if you intend to use yard space, gardening equipment can make the tilling and digging process easier. Mobile pods will provide storage for heavier equipment (such as rentals). They’re also an excellent storage option for your supplies like boards, pots, tools, soil bags, and seeds.

Under certain conditions, they can even work as a temporary shelter for storms or other conditions which would otherwise harm your plants.

Storage pods can also save you money if you’re trying to budget since you can store all relevant gardening supplies and equipment in one location. That’s opposed to traditional storage options where you need to make back-and-forth trips, cutting in on gas and money costs.

With Mobile Attic, the storage pods come to you, offering convenience as you plan for your Spring 2023 garden.

For more information about storage units, contact Mobile Attic today.