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Having a Safe Thanksgiving – 2020

by Nov 19, 2020

2020 has brought about some serious challenges, to say the least. With the surge of COVID-19, a national pandemic created problems across the United States, forcing us to change how we go about our daily lives. This has touched everything from curfews, wearing masks, mandates, and social distancing. Because of said complications, we’ve also had to change how we interact with people, friends and family.

Naturally, it puts a damper on traditional celebration plans. For many, their Thanksgiving is a different affair with Coronavirus around the corner. How best do we celebrate the holiday, and how do we keep things safe? As always, you should check with healthcare professionals like the CDC for their their best practices for holiday gatherings.

Here’s a few tips to keep in mind, accounting for how mobile storage pods are an unlikely solution.

Having a fun (and safe) 2020 Thanksgiving

Remember the basics

Now more than ever is the time to be safe. COVID-19 has only increased in infection rate for the fall, and that risk is due to many people staying indoors. Additionally, influenza is also a serious concern. These two compounded together can make for a nasty scenario nobody wants, especially during the holidays.

Therefore, always keep the basics of COVID-19 safety in mind (you’ll protect yourself from influenza as a bonus).

  • Wear masks and/or coverings
  • Make sure those attending your Thanksgiving gathering haven’t tested positive for COVID
  • Maintain social distancing as best as possible with new guests

As for how mobile pods can help with distancing and keep you protected (or decreasing the likelihood of getting COVID), there are some surprising options.

You can store holiday decorations in mobile pods. 

When decorating for the holiday, you potentially expose yourself more often than not But with a mobile pod, you can keep decorations rotating to protect yourself.

You can keep protective supplies on standby.

If you’re a company or business planning a holiday party (or similar), mobile pods can also be used to keep protective gear on standby like masks and gloves.

Inventory for social distancing can be stored.

Some choose to follow the six-foot rule, others choose to enforce it by adjusting the space of tables and chairs. If you need to rotate things around to plan this out, a storage pod is a convenient external space while you figure out the odds and ends.

You don’t need to move the pod yourself.

Expert teams can handle the transportation of a mobile pod with limited interaction. So, if you need to move holiday supplies from one location to another, there’s minimal involvement needed. 

Mobile pods are an improvised eatery.

Lastly, if you want to get really creative, you can use mobile pods as an external venue for eating or hosting parties. It’s a great way to practice social distancing by making use of some additional space.

With these tips in mind, you can still have a good Thanksgiving holiday.

For more information on mobile pods and what they can do for you, contact Mobile Attic today.