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Holiday Cleanup Made Easy

by Dec 23, 2021

Holiday Cleanup Made Easy

People love the holidays, there’s no getting around that. Christmas time is one of cheer (usually) and togetherness (hopefully), but it’s also filled to the brim with gift giving. And while imagining the smiles of loved ones is great as they unwrap that long awaited present, you might be forgetting something. . . cleanup. 

That’s right, once the wrapping comes off, you’ve got a whopper of a situation to deal with. Not to mention, decorations. Sure your living space comes to life, but if you set out a lot, you have to clean up a lot. After all’s said and done, it’s one more big headache, right?

Well, not exactly. Cleaning up doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s still work, but there are a few things you can do to make the process less arduous.

Set Aside Storage

Sounds like a no brainer, but it’s easily overlooked. When it’s time to put away ornaments and decorations, have the right storage options ready – especially if you had new decorations. Keep them handy with options that can organize your decorations in accessible places. For example, it’s not a good idea to toss all your lights and wires in one place. That’s a messy clump and will only cause headaches the next time you get them out.

One Room at a Time

Did you decorate or use multiple rooms for the holiday season? Well, undoing all that probably feels like a herculean task (and it might be). A good way to mitigate this is tackle it one by one. It’s easy to get stressed and overwhelmed, so go bit by bit. As you clean things section by section, you’ll find the task is far more manageable than by going all at once.

Don’t Wait

As paper and wrapping is shredded up, we recommend having a trash bag on hand. Sounds obvious, but what sounds better: cleaning up a huge trash mess all at once or simply doing it after every gift is opened? This cuts down on a lot of time and lets you enjoy the holidays without looking at a sea of unwrapped gift paper.

Less is More

It’s obvious but, if cleaning up is too hectic of an ordeal, then the natural solution is to put out less. Certainly, it’s great to embrace the holiday with tinsel and lights, but if it’s a hassle later on, is it really worth the trouble?

Do you need to lay out an elaborate production for the holiday? It only lasts the month of December, which is shorter than it sounds. Consider dialing back this year, or at the least, trying decorations that are easy to set out.

External Storage

Really feeling the pinch? External storage, like mobile storage pods, can provide an interesting solution if you need to put holiday decorations away for the season. This is especially helpful for businesses who have a great deal of inventory to rotate over the end of the year.

To learn more about mobile storage options, you can contact us at Mobile Attic.