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Holiday Travel Tips

by Dec 1, 2023

As 2023winds down, many are looking to make their end-of-year visits to friends and family. Minding safe guidelines, it can be a pleasant – though busy – seasonal event. No doubt with Christmas and holiday shopping, decorating, and mailing, you’re up to your ears in things to worry about. In fact, if you  do plan a big trip, what about things at home?

Not to worry, because Mobile Attic storage pods are a great way to put your holiday travel concerns at rest. If you’ve read anything about Mobile Attic and our services, no doubt you already have a good idea of what we can do for you. But specific to the holiday season, there’re even more things

Tips for Holiday Travel

Plan Ahead

Start your holiday travel on the right foot by planning well in advance. Book your flights, accommodations, and any rental cars early to secure the best rates and availability. This also gives you the opportunity to choose the most convenient travel times and accommodations.

Pack Wisely

Efficient packing is the key to stress-free travel. Make a checklist of essential items, and don’t forget chargers, medications, and important documents. Roll your clothes to save space, and consider versatile clothing options that can be mixed and matched.

Travel Off-Peak

If your schedule allows, consider traveling during off-peak times to avoid the holiday rush. Mid-week flights and early morning departures often come with fewer crowds and potential cost savings.

Be Mindful of Weather

Stay informed about the weather conditions at your destination and along your route. Winter weather can be unpredictable, so pack accordingly and check for any potential flight delays or road closures.

Arrive Early

Give yourself ample time to navigate airports, train stations, or bus terminals. During the holiday season, security lines and check-in counters can be especially busy. Arriving early reduces stress and ensures you won’t miss your connection.

Embrace Technology

Make the most of travel apps and technology to streamline your journey. Check-in online, download your boarding passes, and use navigation apps to avoid traffic. Technology can be a valuable ally in making your holiday travel experience smoother.

Stay Connected

Keep family and friends informed about your travel plans, especially if you encounter any delays. Having someone at home aware of your itinerary ensures that help is just a call away in case of unexpected events.

Practice Patience

The holiday season is a busy time for travel, so expect crowds and potential delays. Embrace a patient mindset, and have a backup plan in case things don’t go as smoothly as expected.

Stay Hydrated and Rested

Traveling can be physically demanding, so prioritize self-care. Stay hydrated, get enough sleep, and take breaks when needed. This will help you stay energized and enjoy the holiday festivities upon arrival.

Spread Good Cheer

Lastly, remember the true spirit of the holidays. Be kind to fellow travelers and the hardworking staff at airports and hotels. A smile and a positive attitude can go a long way in making your journey—and the journeys of those around you—a little brighter.


Holiday storage benefits of Mobile Attic

Security storage

Whether business or home, you want to keep your belongings safe if you plan to leave for extended periods. So, external storage pods are a great layer of additional security. You can place various items in their steel containers, locked up as needed. Better yet, as mobile pods, they are movable to secure fenced locations (or similar).

Convenient storage

Even if you don’t need the security, a mobile pod acts as extra space for your holiday supplies. For whatever reason, you might need the storage before travelling (such as stowing away gifts before Christmas day).

Or, imagine the opposite in which you’re expecting visitors. No doubt, if you plan to host a big family gathering there is a lot to account for concerning luggage. Your home may not have enough space, so a mobile pod can make a great access spot for non-essentials (storage that isn’t clothes for instance). Regardless, it works as a convenient option.

Safe transportation

If for any reason you need to transport things when travelling, mobile pods are ideal for both holiday and personal safety. The former, of course relates, to the protection and transition of inventory. Mobile pods are managed by professional crew and can be taken anywhere so long as it’s within the service area.

Secondly, transportation via mobile pod helps reduce human contact and interactions. While the holiday season brings people together, it also puts people in closer proximity, increasing the risk of transmitting COVID. Therefore, safe external storage for travel helps with this, at least as an additional preventative measure.

Transportation for larger decorations

Are you a business planning some serious holiday decorations this season? Naturally, doing so can potentially invite new customers with a bold approach. But, no doubt said decorations are large in quantity and size, which means they’re difficult to shift around with limited resources.

No surprise, then, mobile pods work as a great alternative for the reasons listed above:  ease of transportation, safety, and convenient sizes for decorations.

So, if you’re facing some challenges this holiday season, think of a Mobile Attic storage pod before and after travel. Everyone needs help getting around, and even Santa could tell you that one!

For more info, you can contact Mobile Attic about storage pods today.