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Making the Best Move with Roommates

by Sep 10, 2019

Mobile Attic always strives to give you the best service and tips when it comes to a move, and often we touch on transitions for families or people getting their own place. But it’s not uncommon to have roommates, and in fact, plenty of apartment situations offer this instead of a single, expensive lease. Of course, living with new people is always a different experience, so we’ve got some tips to help you feel right at home with your (hopefully) new friends.

1 – Organize Move-In Times

Depending on where you go, it’s possible there are set move-in times for new arrivals to an apartment. If not, though, you may want to talk with your future roommates ahead of time to schedule the arrival days. This helps with organization: moving in at the same time can be a hassle if there’s lots of things to unload (unless you’ve packed light). This makes the transition smoother, circumventing difficulties one might have when getting their things unloaded.

2 – Get to Know Each Other

Obvious, but important! A roommate (or roommates) is someone you’ll be spending the better part of the year with them in some social capacity. They don’t have to become your best friend overnight, if even that, but it’s important to at least have an amicable relationship with them. Spend some time getting to know them on the first day. Try finding common interests and hobbies, like media, music, and shows.

3 – Keep it Clean

Even after the move, one of the biggest tips Mobile Attic can offer is cleanliness. That is to say, keeping it clean (this goes for your roommate, too). Filth and excessive clutter invites pests and a whole host of different problems, not to mention leaves your living space feeling unsanitary. Often, it’s one of the first ways roommates get on the other’s nerves too, and a dirty place is a good way to break down relations, fast. 

Additionally, your landlord/leasing office may have rules about cleanliness, so keep things sanitary to avoid painful fees.

4 – Keep a Mutual Living Space

It’s important your new place feels like home too. Generally, apartments for roommates will have rooms set aside for the other with a living space. Feel free to decorate or add some of your own things to it, along with your roommate. It’s your place too, and you’ll want it to feel that way. The living room/space is also a great way to hang out and get to know your roommates. Have a few drinks and watch your favorite show, and you’ll become friends sooner than you think.

These four tips will assist with your transition. Obviously, moving in with new people is always a toss up for an experience. They might be noisy, they might not be clean, you may not get along. Or, everything turns out great! Whatever the case, our four quick tips will help things along.

If you’d like more assistance moving in your area, you can contact Mobile Attic for additional info.