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Memorial Day and Mobile Storage Pods: A Perfect Match

by May 28, 2021

Using mobile storage pods to celebrate Memorial Day

Memorial Day, like most American holidays, is a big deal for some! But as a holiday it comes with lots of planning and supply management. Whether you’re doing something as a business or for a personal celebration, no doubt the headache of getting everything together lingers in the background.

While for some Memorial Day is a small affair, others like to do things like big cookouts and hang lots of decorations. Whatever you’re planning, however, know that mobile pods work great for Memorial Day celebration events. We’ll tell you how (with an extra focus on parties or larger gatherings).

The mobile pod advantage

A long while ago we had to take major considerations for safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. And while safety is still paramount, many people are getting immunized. That’s good news! But it also means it’s back to expecting big crowds. So, if you’re doing a family event or hosting a large celebration for Memorial Day, don’t sweat it. Here’s what mobile pods can do for you!

First is convenient storage.

Say you’re planning a large event, either for a big get together, party, or business reason. Whatever the case, you’ll need supplies for decorations, outdoor/indoor furniture, and if you plan to cater, food. You’ll have an easy access point for everything you bring.

That’s important for organization purposes too. If you’re bringing along expensive equipment or multiple items for setting things up, having a “mobile garage” to move things from is very convenient. That’s against, say, traditional storage options which add up on time, gas, and money. Not so with a mobile pod.

Imagine the convenience of that: what if you’re towing along expensive equipment for a big Memorial Day celebration? The before and after can feel like an immense task. Thankfully, the organizational access point provided by mobile pods is super convenient and makes celebrating that much easier. 

It’s also great for cleanup. Unfortunately, with every celebration comes the after-work. Sometimes that’s just packing away what you brought to the event, but mostly it has to do with debris and garbage. But, you can pack it away in a mobile pod, or at least put inventory in a single space so cleanup is much easier. If only mobile pods could get everyone to help, right?

Then, consider the time you’ll save when getting everything ready. Memorial Day is something you’ll want to spend as much time enjoying. So, the less time you have to unpack and prepare your event inventory – whatever that is – the better! Since mobile pods can be transported by professionals to a designated location, you cut down on redundant labor and get right to the point.

So, this brand new Memorial Day, don’t fret not having enough time or space for organization. Take advantage of mobile storage units to make it the best one yet!

For information on taking advantage of mobile pods, you can contact Mobile Attic today.