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More Indoor Quarantine Activity Ideas

by May 12, 2020

You’re no stranger to Coronavirus if you live in the United States. As of now the pandemic continues to grow and the only solution, according to the CDC, is to stay indoors and reduce social exposure as much as possible. For introverts, it’s business as usual, but for the rest, it’s getting old. Staying indoors limits one’s ability to do a lot, especially if you see friends or family on the regular.

However, there are things to do while indoors to escape the dullness of inside. Since you have a lot of personal time, it’s a great opportunity to learn some hobbies, get into passion projects, or hey, take care of some overdue errands and chores. Mobile Attic has a quick list of things to help you along.

Learn a skill

If you have access to a computer and internet – like most do – this is a fantastic time to learn a potential skill. What kind, you may ask? Could be anything that requires a little reading and practice on technology. Increase your WPM rate, get a feel for coding, or heck, watch free college courses about complex subjects. If nothing else, make time work for you, and there’s never a downside to expanding your skillset.

Get back into boardgames

Games are often found on hardware like PC or gaming consoles, and now even mobile devices. But there’s a lot of fun to be had with boardgames, and heck, we don’t just mean your standard Monopoly. There are all sorts of uniquely style board games which will give you and friends something to do, ranging from tabletop to Settlers of Catan. If you can manage to find a hobby shop (or online webstore) still selling during the crisis, consider grabbing a few gems for a truly unique boardgame experience.

Egg Painting/Crafts

Easter isn’t the only time of year you can paint eggs, and frankly, why not now? Egg painting is pretty easy and a simple way to make some beautiful homebrew art without any major costs. It’s also fun to do with family members, especially young kids, who might have some extra time on their hands.

Unique cooking recipes

Cooking sounds pretty obvious, but this is an opportunity to try recipes that are “interesting.” Seriously, break out the clashing flavors or consider investing in a recipe idea you never would have before. You’ve got the time for it now, and it makes for a good project with family members too.

Indoor camping

Certainly aimed at families, “proximity camping” is pitching a tent indoors. It’s a nice way to add some flair to the night if you want to do something interesting for the evening, and if you have children, it’s a guaranteed way to entertain without a heavy investment. Just don’t build a campfire in your living room.

Have other great ideas? Let us know by contacting Mobile Attic today!