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Moving During Coronavirus

by Apr 9, 2020

COVID-19 creates challenges for everyone as its impact continues to rise all over the world. In some cases, there are mandatory curfews and in others stay-at-home quarantines. Beyond necessities, many are limited in what they can do, or otherwise discouraged from social gathering

Because of these complications, you might encounter some new ones before or during a move. What do you? This scenario is quite unique and it’s another stress factor to an already difficult process. To help, Mobile Attic has several suggestions to assist you in these difficult times.

Use masks often and practice good sanitation

In general, this is good advice, but especially so when moving. You’re likely out of the house and exposed to people more often than not. Therefore, masks reduce the possibility of you contracting the virus, along with good sanitation. You’re also touching a variety of surfaces, so washing hands frequently is a big deal. Essentially, you need to be extremely careful with your personal hygiene given your need to move.

Make sure you can make the move 

Because of quarantine and other various stipulations, you need to make sure you can actually move during the desired time frame. Do this by paying attention to local and state orders. If the situation dictates you cannot, it’s important you contact all necessary people to inform them of your situation. 

Discuss initial fees and rent

Given the intensity of the COVID-19 epidemic, many are currently unemployed for the time being to reduce the spread of the virus. Therefore, in some cases rent is either pushed back, temporarily postponed, or discounted. In these extraordinary times, you can likely work something out with a leasing agency or landlord (if applicable) as you transition. This is on top of potentially having your job furloughed while you move.

Wear gloves for frequent-touch objects

Touching objects transmits bacteria and viruses, but unfortunately you may not have much choice. Wear gloves to protect your hands for objects or boxes you’ll handle frequently to reduce risk to yourself and others. This is primarily for furniture or hard wood surfaces too.

Avoid population-dense areas

One of the trickiest aspects to the virus outbreak, let alone the move, is avoiding high concentrations of people. With quarantine orders in place, it’s less likely you’ll run into people, but that’s not the case for every area. Take special care to avoid dense areas during your move and consider transporting objects and items during early hours to get around traffic and crowded places. It’s also a good idea to stock up on moving supplies in advance to reduce the need to make grocery trips (or otherwise).

Hopefully these suggestions help you during a major life transition. If you’re still having trouble, you can also invest in a mobile storage pod to assist during the move process.

You can find out more information by visiting us at Mobile Attic.