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New Years Mobile Attic

by Jan 8, 2021

What a year 2020 proved itself to be! It was a chaotic, challenging time for many. With the Coronavirus pandemic taking the world stage, it’s proven difficult to take time off or go about normal routines without worrying. But, things are always looking up with a new year, as a new year means potentially better days.

COVID-19 or not, we all take this time to get some perspective, appreciate what we have, spend time with loved ones, and prep our New Year’s resolutions.

Mobile Attic’s Tips for Resolutions

There’s all sorts of ways to go about a resolution for the new year. The trick is to create goals you can reach, no matter what they are. Do those goals include cleaning and storage? Well good news, mobile pods are a great solution!

You can use mobile pods for external storage, giving you plenty of room to organize. Maybe you need it to remove clutter, or maybe your goal is to perform some deep cleaning. Regardless, a mobile pod that goes where you request within a service area. Think of it like a garage you can shift around, save you don’t have to spend money on travel to do it.

Other Resolution Hints

Straightforward, right? Getting organized with a pod is pretty easy, as long as you stay committed. But that’s just it, right? The commitment. 

Resolutions are great in theory. We imagine to ourselves this new year is the one where we eat better, or balance our budget, or write that book, or. . . 

You get the idea. While great ambitions to have, the problem is the idea itself is more attractive. Any kind of commitment requires discipline, willpower, and practice. We imagine the end results, never the journey, and once the journey begins, it’s tough to stay on track. Sometimes, it’s not even the person’s fault, life has a habit of getting in the way (looking at you COVID). That’s why having a new year’s goal to organize and clean with a mobile pod isn’t so lofty and can be achieved.

Aside from cleaning, though, that’s not the only goal you probably have. However, instead of aiming for difficult aspirations (which can take years, not just one), think of smaller things to achieve.

It could be anything! Such as:

  • Reading a favorite book you’ve been meaning to get to
  • Watching a show series through
  • Saving a set amount of money
  • Visiting a friend you haven’t seen in a while
  • Losing a little weight (like 2 pounds)
  • Adding a walk to your daily routine
  • Getting ahead on school assignments

With that in mind, as you practice focusing on one task to the next, you’ll inevitably see yourself climb the hill. We hope these tips help and wish you a great New Years!

For additional info about mobile pods, contact Mobile Attic today.