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Staying Safe and Avoiding Sickness during Cold and Flu Season

by Oct 30, 2023

Autumn brings chilly days and a change to the season, and while some are looking forward to temperatures dropping, others not so much when it comes to the other cold season. As we spend time indoors more often and expose ourselves to others, the risk of contracting influenza and the common cold increases dramatically. And while these infections are not typically severe to warrant a doctor or emergency visit, they feel terrible and require several days – if not weeks – to fully overcome.

Because that’s the last thing anyone wants, Mobile Attic has assembled some tips to help you stay sick-free this Autumn season.

It’s all in the habit – avoiding influenza and the common cold

While we suggest avoiding these infections during the fall season, it’s easier said than done. One of the reasons for that is we don’t mind the habits helping us avoid infection. We’re used to doing our routines as normal, but once autumn kicks in, we don’t think about the extra precautions needed to avoid getting sick.

So, our first set of tips involves practicing good habits when you head out in public, or, interact in spaces where you suspect someone is contagious or sick themselves.

Avoiding close or direct contact with others who are sick is, of course, the first thing to do. Runny nose, coughing, sneezing, these are signs someone is struggling with the cold or flu. Keep in mind, these viral infections are airborne, and it only takes inhaling particles to get sick yourself. If you feel under the weather, you should stay home and rest, cover your mouth when coughing/sneezing, and also avoid close contact with others for a few days.

Another thing that’s very important is hand cleanliness. Have some hand sanitizer or a way to quickly wash your hands when touching multiple services. It’s very important to clean your hands after touching a surface you suspect has been touched by a sick person. That’s because you don’t want to accidentally touch your face, nose, or mouth.

Touching your face is not as easy to avoid, as its something we do subconsciously, or we simply do it so fast we don’t realize it. Unfortunately, if you’ve touched contaminated surfaces, that’s a prime vector for cold and influenza. Therefore, cleaning your hands reduces this risk even if you do touch your face.

What if I can’t avoid public spaces?

It’s one thing if you’re out for groceries or errands, but another if you’re in a dense area like school or work. In these cases, you’ll want to be as cautious as possible. If you’re noticing others cough, wear a protective mask or mind your distance. Disinfect surfaces and again, keep hand sanitizer handy. You might think it’s overkill, but you’ll be glad you did this versus lying in bed for several days with severe aches, pains, chills, and a nasty cough.

Hydration and rest are important

Sick or not, a surefire way to keep yourself boosted and avoid sickness is staying hydrated and plenty of rest. Unfortunately, if you do contract the cold or flu, this is doubly important. Both conditions cause us to experience chills – a feeling we’re cold when our body temperature exceeds normal values. Fevers kill infections, but cause us to sweat, and in turn dehydrates us. 

Elderly and children are susceptible to serious complications because of this, so getting as much water as possible is critical. On top of that, rest is the best way to win against cold and flu. While over the counter meds like painkillers help, there’s nothing else to it except to take it easy and sleep.

How do I know if I’m getting sick?

Getting an early start on precautionary measures to help yourself feel better can help. So, recognizing early symptoms of cold or flu is a good way to do this.

Flu/cold symptoms when fully active are obvious: coughing, sneezing, painful body aches, fever/chills, serious fatigue, nausea, those are a few. Early symptoms can include a sense of malaise (not feeling well) and, most likely, you’ll start coughing and sneezing before the infection takes hold. It’s important to not ignore these symptoms and take action as soon as possible.

Get your flu shot

If you really want to avoid dealing with the worst effects of the flu, get your updated flu shot. While there’s a day or two of some discomfort, it’s nothing compared to the full impact of influenza.

Using mobile pods 

Mobile Attic has tips to keep you healthy, but we also offer mobile storage pods that are useful for avoiding picking up the cold/flu. 

If you’re moving, you want to reduce contact with infected surfaces as often as possible. A mobile storage pod, therefore, is a single surface you can limit access to when storing inventory. You can also house cleaning supplies and disinfectants in them for quick access – useful for businesses and schools that want additional storage options. 

By reducing exposure to others and limiting foot traffic, you reduce the chances of contracting the common cold or flu. Obviously, it’s not a guarantee as taking precautions wherever you go is important for remaining healthy. However, limiting exposure to others will reduce the risk of viral infection, and prevents spreading the flu/cold to others as well.

Remember, mobile storage pods can also come to you. You can limit interactivity as needed. Professional crews will drop the pod at a service location until you no longer need it. There’s no need for expensive rental trucks or specialized equipment.

Fall is an enjoyable time of year, but not without its risks. So stay healthy and safe this year by minding our tips. If you’d like to learn about mobile storage pods and our services, contact Mobile Attic today.