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Tips for Hiding Your Holiday Gifts

by Dec 12, 2019

Mobile Attic isn’t just about storage units, we’re also wired straight to Santa! In other words, we know a thing or two about stowing away Christmas gifts. Yes, nothing says “holiday season” than by folks seeking out their presents for the big day, so hiding his half the fun (usually). Here’s a few ideas to keep those wrapped surprises safe until Christmas morning.

1 – Hard to Reach Places

For a fool-proof solution, find spots that are essentially inaccessible by kids. Do you have an attic? Perfect, that takes care of half the battle. Unless, of course, they’re clever enough to find the ladders, in which case, maybe lock those up too.

If you don’t have an attic, look for places your gift-receivers can’t get to, or at least, aren’t tempted to look for. 

2 – Boring Boxes

People are searching for the fancy wrapped stuff, but if you can, consider putting smaller gifts into bland cardboard boxes that are stuffed away for mundane things like packing. Old newspaper? Why would a gift be in there? Granted, make sure you don’t lose track of the gift and definitely make sure said gift isn’t damaged or crushed, depending on where you put it.

3 – Luggage Containers

No boxes? Try luggage for storage. This will depend on the size of the gift, but it’s a nice space to hide presents in if you think your kids will be looking around everywhere else. Bonus, you can move them with ease and protect the items inside without much worry.

4 – Mobile 

Out of the house? Well, perfect time to go snooping, isn’t it? Except you’ve thought ahead you clever person you! Instead of storing some gifts at home, you can take them with you! Keep those gifts put in a trunk if you think family members might go peeping when you’re away. Of course, be extra careful when grabbing groceries, but one can’t find the gift if it’s not even at the house, can they?

5 – Change Locations

If you’re okay with a bit of a hassle, you can move the presents around if you suspect others are trying to find out where they are. You don’t have to do it all the time, but avoiding obvious spots and keeping it in places you know will prevent the surprise from getting spoiled. Failing that, if the gift is small enough you can keep it on your person at all times. Just don’t lose it!

6 – Keep it with a Friend

Got someone you can trust? If all else fails, just store your item with a friend for a few days until it’s time to wrap it up. Granted, make sure you work out a schedule so you don’t forget where things are before the holiday!

You can also try Mobile Attic’s storage pods. This is great if you have gifts which are large, like say, gardening equipment.

For more information, contact us at Mobile Attic!