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Top Hints for a Fast Move

by Apr 6, 2022

Top Hints for a Fast Move

It’s no secret moving is a stressful, time consuming task. But, what if you’re short on the latter? It certainly doesn’t help and turns a move into a mountainous task. Moving a home in a week (or less) looks and feels impossible, daunting in scope. However, it can be done, and we’ve got a few tips to help you make a successful transition.

First off, a few things to consider. One: will you use moving services? If you do, we recommend mobile storage pods if they’re in your service area. If you’re planning a solo act, see if you can get friends or family to help (but we’ll assume you’ve got only yourself for this scenario).

Now comes the easy (and hard) part: clean up. That is to say, you need to sort through things you need and don’t. Yes, while there’s a lot of nostalgic value to the tower of designer shoe boxes you’ve acquired, these aren’t necessary for a quick move. This applies to anything: take essentials first and prioritize them. Anything else? Start setting them aside in a pile. Donate to charity, toss them, but if you’re short on time, you can’t fiddle with clutter.

Next is the packing. Typically, we advise a range of materials and storage units to get this tone, but again, we’re assuming time is a factor. Therefore, pack with efficiency in mind. Use trash bags for clothes or less sensitive items. Get a few large boxes and stuff them as full as you can. Save your most sensitive inventory for last and think outside the box when it comes to storage material (literally). Towels, bedsheets, hand cloths – these are all quick alternatives to packing peanuts and Styrofoam. 

If you still need help but are short on volunteers, you can also consider hiring apps. While service varies based on the area, there are ways to offer the odd job to would-be workers. Additionally, if you’re having issues with transport, consider Uber or Lyft. Plenty of drivers are willing to make long term trips, and some might even help you with the lifting for a little extra!

Last, even though time isn’t on your side and there’s lots to do, don’t overstrain yourself. Stick to packing and lifting within reason. Don’t try to power through weighty furniture or heavy items – it’s a fast way to get injured, the last thing you need. Take plenty of breaks and stay hydrated; not doing so can catch up with you, fast.

While we ideally want to have as much time as possible when making a move, sometimes it’s just not doable. Therefore, we hope some of our suggestions make your speedy transition a little easier. Of course, you can always look to the professional element as well – consider mobile storage pods for your transition and take the hassle out of a big move.

You can find out more at Mobile Attic.