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Try Mobile Attic for Home-Staging Help

by Oct 25, 2018

Selling a house might seem like an easy prospect, but it’s far easier said than done. The idea of properly marketing property is a nice one, often with thoughts the entire process will be smooth, but the reality is there’s a lot of hard work involved. 

Home staging has a lot of factors to consider, but one of them is preparing the preparing the location itself. While you (and assuming your agent) work to find ideal clients, the labor of keeping the place clean and tidy still needs taking care of. Easy right? All you have to do is clean up and move things around. But. . . where will those things go?

If you’re planning a move, you might not have a second property to move to. So all that clutter swiftly builds up, putting your home in disarray. Nothing tanks a sale faster than cluttered, unorganized rooms and property. What can you do to rectify this situation? Well, Mobile Attic has a solution.

Utilizing mobile storage pods can take away the immense burden of finding a place for your extraneous items. That isn’t to say you have to move everything into storage – but once you start packing, you might suddenly discover there’s more things to put away than you realized. Again, this builds up, and if you don’t have somewhere to keep it, it creates a disorganized image.

The answer, of course, is storage. Better yet, storage that comes to you. Mobile Attic pods are portable, accompanied by teams of hard workers which can assist you in putting away additional inventory while you work out the details of your home staging. This is also extremely helpful if you’re conducting renovations and repair for a home. Removing clutter and excess inventory makes the process go much smoother.

However, it doesn’t end there: removing clutter with mobile storage adds property value. It’s easier to sell a clean, organized space. This is for two reasons: nobody likes a mess and everyone likes space. Setting aside your personal items in storage makes the property look bigger, as it allows interested buyers to inspect every corner of the house in question. This is important, as the impressions of your potential buyers determine the success of a sale, along with how much you can make from it.

Lastly, you can rest assured your property is safely stored in mobile pods – which not only protects them during the move but keeps things organized too. During the hectic staging period, no doubt things can get lost/damaged, and you want to prevent this scenario. A unit that can come to you – or take your items where they need to be – is an invaluable service during this critical period.

There’s enough to worry about when preparing a home for sale, so why not take away some of the stress by keeping extra clutter in a safe location? Doing so will add value to your pitch, please the eye, and overall make home staging that much easier.


-Douglas James